Donegal Wildflowers For Identity

Sea Pinks Among Rocks On St Johns Point Donegal Wildflowers For IdSea pinks among the rocks on St Johns Point peninsula

Find Photos Of Irish Shamrock And 27 Other Donegal Wildflowers For Identification
English-To-Irish (Gaelic) Name Translations Plus Botanical Terms

Nóiníní, Seamair Dhearg, (Daisies, Red Clover) Summer Wildflowers Of DonegalNóiníní, Seamair Dhearg, (Daisies, Red Clover), Summer wildflowers of Donegal

The photos below feature the wildflowers that you're most likely to discover, and may wish to identify during your Donegal vacation.  Skip down to...

You don't have to be in Donegal to enjoy these pretty blossoms, though, as many are also found in other parts of the world. 

Donegal Wildflowers Of Spring

Donegal Spring Wildflowers:  Dandelion  (Gaelige:  Caisearbhán)

English:     Dandelion

Botanical:  Taraxacum Officionale

Gaelige:     Caisearbhán

Donegal Spring Wildflowers:  White Anemone  (Gaelige:  Anamóine)

English:     White Anemone

Botanical:  Anemone Nemorosa

Gaelige:     Anamóine

Donegal Spring Wildflowers:  Dog Violet  (Gaelige:  Sailchuach)

English:     Dog Violet

Botanical:  Viola Riviniana

Gaelige:     Sailchuach

Donegal Spring Wildflowers:  Chickweed  (Gaelige:  Fliodh)

English:     Chickweed

Botanical:  Stellaria Media

Gaelige:     Fliodh

English:     Lesser Celandine

Botanical:  Ranunculus Ficaria

Gaelige:     Grán Arcáin

English:     Wild Garlic

Botanical:  Allium Ursinum

Gaelige:     Gairleog Fiáin

English:     Primrose

Botanical:  Primula Vulgaris

Gaelige:     Sabhaircín

English:     Bluebell

Botanical:  Hyacinthoides Non-Scripta

Gaelige:     Cloigín Gorm

Donegal Wildflowers Of Summer

Donegal Summer Wildflowers:  Purple Loosestrife  (Gaelige:  Créachtach)

English:     Purple Loosestrife

Botanical:  Lythrum Salicaria

Gaelige:   Créachtach

Donegal Summer Wildflowers:  Oxeye Daisy  (Gaelige:  Nóinín Mór)

English:     Oxeye Daisy

Botanical:  Leucanthemum Vulgare

Gaelige:   Nóinín Mór

Donegal Summer Wildflowers:  Pyramidal Orchid  (Gaelige:  Magairlín na Stuaice)

English:     Pyramidal Orchid

Botanical:  Anacamptis Pyramidalis

Gaelige:   Magairlín na Stuaice

Donegal Summer Wildflowers:  White Clover  (Gaelige:  Seamair Bhán)

English:     White Clover

Botanical:  Trifolium Repens

Gaelige:   Seamair Bhán

English:     Shamrock (Lesser Trefoil)

Botanical:  Trifolium Dubium

Gaelige:   Seamróg

English:     Cuckoo Flower

Botanical:  Cardamine Pratensis

Gaelige:    Léine Mhuire

English:     Red Clover

Botanical:  Trifolium Pratense

Gaelige:   Seamair Dhearg

English:     Germander Speedwell

Botanical:  Veronica Chamaedrys

Gaelige:    Seamair Chré

English:     Selfheal

Botanical:  Prunella Vulgaris

Gaelige:   Tae na nGarraithe

English:     Vetch

Botanical:  Vicia

Gaelige:   Peasair

English:     Creeping Buttercup

Botanical:  Ranunculus Repens

Gaelige:   Fearbán Reatha

English:     Ragged Robin

Botanical:  Lychnis Flos-Cuculi

Gaelige:   Plúr na Cuaiche

Donegal Wildflowers Of Autumn

Donegal Autumn Wildflowers:  Ragwort  (Gaelige:  Buachalán Buí)

English:     Ragwort

Botanical:  Jacobaea Vulgaris

Gaelige:    Buachalán Buí

Donegal Autumn Wildflowers:  Harebell  (Gaelige:  Méaracán Gorm)

English:     Harebell

Botanical:  Campanula Rotundifolia

Gaelige:    Méaracán Gorm

Donegal Autumn Wildflowers:  Daisy  (Gaelige:  Nóinín)

English:     Daisy

Botanical:  Bellis Perennis

Gaelige:    Nóinín

Donegal Autumn Wildflowers:  Knapweed  (Gaelige:  Mínscoth)

English:     Knapweed

Botanical:  Centaurea Nigra

Gaelige:    Mínscoth

English:     Marsh Thistle

Botanical:  Cirsium Palustre

Gaelige:    Feochadán Corraigh 

English:     Meadow-Sweet

Botanical:  Filipendula Ulmaria

Gaelige:    Airgead Luachra

English:     Autumn Heather

Botanical:  Calluna Vulgaris

Gaelige:    Fraoch

English:     Bird's-Foot Trefoil

Botanical:  Lotus Corniculatus

Gaelige:    Crobh Éin

Finding Wildflowers In Donegal

For three seasons of the year, wild flowers of Ireland adorn the Donegal countryside in vibrant displays of color.

Look for those pictured above, and others scattered throughout meadows, on hillsides, along country lanes as well as by lake-sides, river banks, the seashore, and woodlands.  Many have their own favorite environments, though some will grow almost anywhere.

Top Tips

  1. Carry a magnifying glass with you to see the beauty of smaller flowers in greater detail
  2. Avoid nettles, they sting!
  3. Avoid thorny and prickly plants
  4. Wear suitable footwear, the ground where wildflowers grow can be marshy and uneven

Wildflowers On The 'Wild Atlantic Way'

You'll find interesting wildflowers on the dramatic Donegal section of the 'Wild Atlantic Way', a well-signposted touring route on Ireland's rugged West coast.

Highlights on the route's Donegal stretch include the Slieve League cliffs, Glencolmcille, Tory island, Aran island, Bloody Foreland, various nature and wildlife reserves, numerous golden sandy beaches, and the Inishowen peninsula.

Sheskinmore Nature Reserve

This beautiful natural marshland also includes sand dunes, Tramore Strand, Ballinreavy Strand and Sheskinmore Lake.

Abundant in wildlife, its many floral treasures include a variety of species of wild orchids and the rare Irish Orchid.

Sheskinmore Nature Reserve is located to the Northwest of Ardara, off the Portnoo road.

Wildflowers At Glenveagh National Park

You'll find a vast treasure-trove of exquisite, and some unique wildflowers and other botanical wonders at this enchanting mountain wilderness.

Add stunning views across Lough Veagh and the Derryveagh mountains, along with the mature gardens of fairytale Glenveagh castle, and you might just wish you could stay forever!

Glenveagh National Park is approximately thirty minutes north-west of Letterkenny by car.

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